1.) MATH:
- Review all videos posted in the VIDEO LINKS section at the bottom. This will help you prepare for tomorrow.
- Math assessment tomorrow on Fractions/Decimals unit.
- Click here to review the learning intentions if you did not take your handout home today.
- Review the questions we went over in class today along with the learning intentions to make sure you are ready for tomorrow.
- If you want extra help, be in the classroom at 8:30am tomorrow morning.
2.) LA:
- Word Work due tomorrow. Feel free to share your Google doc with me or hand in a paper copy tomorrow.
- Vocabulary quiz tomorrow.
- Holiday - Use today's PAR as an opportunity to communicate with your classmates about tomorrow's assessments.
- Post any questions you have about math or the word work.
Intro to Fractions
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions
Dividing Decimals
Place value of Decimals