1.) MATH 6 - Update your stock portfolios.
- Estimates and Calculations must be completed on paper for Friday's closing prices.
- Update your Total Values on your spreadsheets.
- Post your day 1 prices, total value of your stocks on Friday, and how much you profit you have made or how much money you have lost.
MATH 7 - Any assigned work. Check your teacher's website.
2.) SOCIALS/ART - Be sure to bring any materials/supplies for your 'YEAR OF THE SNAKE' artwork! The dollar store has a ton of great supplies! Also, search out some apps that may be useful to you and your classmates. Post any useful ones you find here.
3.) WRITE A RESPONSE #1: Return to yesterday's post here. Complete the following:
- Read yesterday's blog assignment carefully and respond to any questions given to you.
- Read the entire conversation stream and post any questions you have to your classmates.
- Make sure you have completed all parts of the post in your response.
4.) WRITE A RESPONSE #2: Post at 2-3 different posts on your websites. Be sure to include different forms of media as well. Instead of simply searching out an image from online sources, go out and take your own photos and videos about whatever it is you are writing about! Once you have posted a few different posts on your website, post the direct link here. If every student in class completes this task, there will be a prize for everyone on Monday! Are you up for the weekend blogging challenge??
Onomatopoeia Pop Art: Inspired by Roy Lichtenstein (Created by Ryna)