- 5:00 pm Laurier Family Potluck
- 6:00 pm Introduction to teachers in the GYM followed by an open house in the classroom. Mr. Hong will promptly start his presentation in the classroom following the introductions in the gym. Mr. Hong will leave Laurier promptly at 6:45pm.
- If you haven't already done so, be sure to go back to the post from September 16th and create your Gmail account for school and click on the form to send me your parent's email addresses if I don't already have it.
1.) MATH: If you haven't already done so, complete marking and correcting your math booklets.
2.) ART: Bring a variety of mediums including photos, drawings, magazines, items, etc you want to use for your collage.
3.) LA/WORD WORK #2: Continue working on your word analysis - definitions, parts of speech, and example sentences.
B.C.'s Beautiful Native Plants and Trees
Fancy Shawls