1.) MATH 6 - Continue keeping track of your investments.
a.) You need a calculation and estimate for each of your stocks every day. You can choose any price between the day's open and closing prices.
b.) You need a 'TOTAL VALUE' section for all of your stocks for each day. If you haven't received the shared document on Google, post a message here.
2.) MATH 7 - Any assigned work.
3.) ART 6/7 - We will start our Holiday wreaths tomorrow. Bring any decorations you want to use. Everyone should have their coat hangers at school.
4.) FIELD TRIP NOTICE - Bring your forms as soon as possible.
5.) WRITE A RESPONSE: Continue the conversation from Thursday. Post a thought provoking question and respond to any that have been posted for you.
- Tarantula's Popping and Locking to a Dubstep song!