- I will put your duo-tangs, binders, pencil cases, Novel Approach Novels, etc out on the grass in front of the school between 12:15pm and 2:35pm. There are still 3 students who have not yet signed up for a pick-up time. Check your email/FreshGrade/Teams for the link.
1.) MATH:
- Upload all CORRECTED work to FreshGrade weekly math activities.
- Complete 6.4 #1-9. SHOW ALL WORK!
- Click here for answer key. Mark and Correct with different colours
- Upload to Weekly activities by the end of the day.
- Click here for Videos/Lessons on Adding/Subtracting integers
- Click here for some number lines you can print out for your questions to show your work.
- Why read? Click here for one reason!
- OPTION 1: Complete your daily reading log on FreshGrade (Author, title, pages read, time read, and detailed evidence you used 1-2 reading strategies)
- OPTION 2: Upload a picture of your daily calendar log.
- Upload all work work activities on FreshGrade and on TEAMS assignments. (2 places) We are transitioning and I want you to become familiar with submitting your work on Teams, too!
- WARNING: Don't leave it until the last minute or you will not finish your work.
4.) ART:
- Your SWAY (work in progress) shared link should be on your FreshGrade. If it isn't, post it now.
- Many of you have uploaded your images to FreshGrade and a handful of you have collaborated in the channels and asked for feedback. Remember, you will not get 'EXTENDING' if you don't participate in the channels.
- Part of the criteria requires you to do respond to descriptive feedback. You will have to show evidence you have improved at least 2 of your photos.
- Due: Monday 9am.
5.) PE:
- OPTION 1: Complete your daily P.E. log on FreshGrade (pic/video, ,resting/active heart rate, a detailed blurb about what you did.
- OPTION 2: Upload an image with all the above required information and evidence of your physical activity.
- PE WITH JOE - April 17th, 2020
- Earlier this week, you wrote a 'LETTER TO YOUR FUTURE SELF'. Some of you responded to feedback and improved your letters.
- Today, we will start developing and improving this letter further.
- We will create criteria in our morning meeting on what you think your future self might want to hear from your current self.
LEARNING INTENTION: I can edit/revise my letter according to co-created success criteria.
1.) Upload my shared Google Docs link to the FreshGrade activity (before editing/revising)
2.) Completed first draft of your letter on previous PAR. (COMPLETED = Post-Give a peer feedback-Edit/revised my original work)
3.) Edit/revise my letter based on the SUCCESS CRITERIA we today.
4.) Respond to PEER FEEDBACK received to improve letter.
5.) Post a message on FreshGrade stating you have completed all points above.
6.) After you have typed your final draft, you must hand write your letter on paper, insert it an envelope, and label it correctly.
7.) Upload a picture of your hand written letter in your envelope to FreshGrade.