Good morning! I was pleased to read through 25 Post a Response paragraphs. This means 5 students remain. Will these students completed it before the morning meeting? Only time will tell......but, if you don't, I will be having a one on one meeting with you this morning after our class meeting. OWN IT EVERYONE! Ownership means so many things. It means following the BIG 6, being responsible, listening to your parents, being honest, etc. Take ownership in all area of your life!
1.) Check the weekly newsletter for this week's learning activities. Make sure the link works for you. Check daily as it is updated regularly
1.) Follow the instructions on the weekly newsletter. (currently being updated)
a.) You have Math today.
b.) You have Art today.
c.) You have Social Studies today.
d) PAR/Writing
LEARNING INTENTION: I can edit/revise my first body paragraph based on self and peer assessment and feedback and this morning's lesson.
1.) Copy and paste your body 1 paragraph from your Google Doc here. Check for the below criteria points.
2.) Paragraph format
- topic sentence
- supporting points/sentence (2-3)
- each supporting point/sentence must be followed by supporting details
- concluding sentence that connects to body paragraph #2
4.) Transition words
5.) Give 2 students feedback about their paragraph directly on the PAR and edit/revise.
6.) Copy and paste your body 1 paragraph after you have revised it, onto your Google Doc.
7.) Write your 'BODY 2' paragraph directly on your Google Doc.
Khan Academy - Reflections
Khan Academy - Rotations