- 10am Class Check-in on Teams as usual (We have a staff meeting, but hopefully it will be over by then. If not, we will start at 10:15am)
- Keep up with the classwork! Don't put it off or you will fall behind. Let Mr. Hong know if you are struggling. I will touch base with everyone again at the end of the week via Teams. You can also ask Ms. Altman and Mrs. Lum for help if you receive regular support from her at school!
- Keep your FreshGrade and Teams updated! Some of you are still missing items!
1.) MATH:
- Continue working through all assigned math from yesterday. This is all due tomorrow. Answer keys will be posted later today.
- ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN. Use a different colour to mark and correct your work. I need to be able to easily see this or you will get an incomplete. Collaborate in your MATH CHANNEL!
- Section 2.2 Integers extra practice (DUE THURSDAY)
- Complete Adding/Subtracting of integers booklet. (Due THURSDAY)
- Complete Math Focus 6.2 - Adding with the zero principle (DUE THURSDAY)
- Answer Key Assignment Adding/Subtracting of Integers Booklet (click)
- Answer Key Assignment # MATH FOCUS 6.2 p245-247 # 1-15 (click)
- To show your participation, everyone should post questions/comments/share your work with your peers in your collaboration groups. Several of you have yet to make an appearance. Be sure to participate today!
- Continue working through your Word Work with our new format posted in your assignment on FG and Teams. This isn't something you can complete in one day. You MUST do one or to sections daily if you want to complete it properly.
3.) ART:
- A handful of you started sharing your photos in the 'DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY' channel on teams. Be sure to share all your photos there to get feedback from your peers and from me.
- Part of your assignment is to show evidence of improvement. If you don't do this, it will be almost impossible for you to show me how you used peer/teacher feedback to improve.
- Remember, you have PROCESS CRITERIA and PRODUCT CRITERIA for this assignment. Make sure you check off each as you go to ensure you have met the SUCCESS CRITERIA!
- Log your daily reading on FreshGrade.
- In your DAILY COMMENT include the following: Title, Author, pages read (start and finish), time spent reading, and show evidence you used at least 1-2 reading strategies. Do not simply state the strategy. Explain how it helped you understand what you were reading.
5.) PE:
- Option 1 - PE with Joe April 15th, 2020
- Option 2 - Find a popular dance you want to learn and LEARN how to do it! Show evidence of your learning. For example, show a video of you first learning it and when you finally get it! It should be roughly 30-60 seconds in length. Here is the 'RENEGADE' tutorial that I did with with my daughter.
- CHALLENGE - For the dance option, create a video of you and your friend side by side doing a dance challenge! Your 'JAPANESE TAISO' warm-up videos you posted with your friends were very well done! Mr. Fisher and I may do a 'RENEGADE' dance battle for you soon!
- As always, upload daily evidence of your PE to FreshGrade (Pics/videos, heart rate, comments, etc)
LEARNING INTENTION: I can explain the strategies and rules for adding/subtracting integers.
- Watch this entire video independently. DO NOT FAST FORWARD!
- Explain in your own words the different RULES and STRATEGIES in your own words.
- Provide some math examples in your explanation.
- Another student should be able to read your response and it should be clear and concise so they can add and subtract integers.
- You must read 2 other responses and respond to them. Let your classmates know if their response made sense to you. If not, give them some feedback on how they could make it clearer.
- Edit/revise if you receive feedback to improve or if you do a self-assessment.
Math Antics - Adding & Subtracting Integers