1.) FIELD TRIP NOTICES: Return your forms/money as soon as possible. Everyone will have the opportunity to participate. Contact me if you are unable to provide funds.
2.) MATH 6 - Chapter 9 Lesson 3 Worksheet and textbook questions. Chapter 9 Lesson 3 textbook #1-4,
MATH 7 - Any assigned work.
3.) WATCH THIS VIDEO: Watch this video and listen to the lyrics closely. It is a great example of powerful poetry. Try to figure out what the message is and feel free to comment here. We will discuss it tomorrow.
4.) WRITE A RESPONSE: Based on your inquiry into the poetic devices today (Check your group notes on Google Drives), create at least one sentence for each of the following:
- rhyme
- personification
- simile
- metaphor
- alliteration
- onomatopoeia
- Baz Luhman: Everybody is Free to Wear Sunscreen