2.) Gr. 7 Celebration has been postponed until Tuesday
Pharrell Williams - Happy
By now you have all heard the news about the school closures due to the extreme heat. I know it is disappointing because you were all expecting to have your Gr. 7 celebration on Monday. This has been postponed until Tuesday. If school is closed again on Tuesday, we will notify you right away to inform you what will happen for your Gr. 7 celebration. Not to worry, it will take place in some way, shape, or form! We will have a proper farewell! Feel free to post any questions you have here. IMPORTANT: 1.) SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED ON MONDAY! 2.) Gr. 7 Celebration has been postponed until Tuesday VIDEO LINKS: Pharrell Williams - Happy Tomorrow is S.O.A.R. day! You worked hard on your self-regulation and on being a great representative of Laurier. This is your reward! Tomorrow, you are free (IF YOUR PARENTS GIVE YOU PERMISSION) to bring technology to school. For one block or time, I will allow students to watch a movie together, play a game, read, or do art on their devices. At no point are you permitted to use any form of social media. If you do, all students will lose this privilege immediately. Keep this in mind as you will not want to be the student who is responsible for losing this privilege. IMPORTANT: 1.) DONATIONS FOR PABLO - I have only received about half of the loonies from students. Please bring this tomorrow so we can contribute to his going away gift. LEARNING: 1.) MUSIC/FINE ARTS: Music presentations with Garage band will be tomorrow morning at 9:10am. 2.) POST A RESPONSE:
VIDEO LINKS: Happy - Pharrell Williams Today, students continued learning about different belief systems, worked on their Garage Band creations, and worked with Ms. Altman in the library. We only have a few days left! Tomorrow, students will work on a comprehensive self-assessment of the core competencies, present their music, and also review for the probability and belief systems 'Show me what you know' that will happen on Friday. IMPORTANT: 1.) Please bring a minimum of $1 to donate to Pablo's (Earth Bites) gift. LEARNING: 1.) MATH:
VIDEO LINK: Song from Ms. Chung - Dreams Are Made of These Today, students were introduced to judaism, christianity, hinduism, janism, islam, and a few other belief systems. It is important to learn about different cultures, religions, and belief systems so we have a better understanding of the world and the people around us. Regardless of what you believe, all religons promote universal kindness and treating others with respect. Imagine what could happen if everyone on Earth learned about these belief systems? What do you think would happen? IMPORTANT: 1.) DONATION FOR PABLO: Please bring at least $1 to donate for Pablo's gift to thank him for everything he has taught you over the years. If you could please do this tomorrow, I would greatly appreciate it. 2.) Gr. 7 Celebration Drink Order Form: Click here to order your drink for the celebration. LEARNING: 1.) MUSIC: Continue working on your music (Garage Band). 2.) SOCIAL STUDIES: Tomorrow, you will start your group work on the individual belief systems. 3.) POST A RESPONSE:
VIDEO LINKS: Refer to links posted below.
Today was a sad day. We spent some time in the afternoon saying farewell to our good friend Seth. He will returning to his home country. Seth will return to the Netherlands to start high school. Each student had an opportunity to say a few kind words to Seth today. We sat him down in front of the class and each student came up shared some memories and kind words with him. It was indeed a sad day to see Seth say farewell to everyone! We hope we will see you one day in the future! IMPORTANT: 1.) Gr. 7 Celebration forms/money. Please etransfer or bring cashe tomorrow along with your form. 2.) SCHOOL BOOKS: return all library books, class textbooks, and novels to school ASAP! TOMORROW WOULD BE GOOD! LEARNING: 1.) POST A RESPONSE:
VIDEO LINKS: Wear Sunscreen Today, over half of the students completed their dramatic readings in class. Students read poems, commercials, and short stories. It was clear that all students spent a great deal of time practicing and rehearsing their readings. We will finish off the remainder of the presentations tomorrow. Tomorrow is Seth's last day at Laurier as he will move back to Holland in two days time. Let's make his last day at Laurier as memorable as possible. Please keep in mind what we spoke about in class today so we can make tomorrow a special day. IMPORTANT: 1.) Return pink forms and send money to the email address provided on the sheet. 2.) Upload/hand in any missed assignments. Nothing will be accepted after tomorrow unless you have spoken to me about it. LEARNING: 1.) LA/NOVEL APPROACH: A handful of students will need to submit their work ASAP. 2.) POST A RESPONSE:
VIDEO LINKS: Relaxing Music The school year will start winding down next week. We have about 11 school days left. This includes a day of Gr. 7 celebrations in the final week. Students have some final assignments and missed assignments to submit. If they are not handed in, this will adversely affect your evaluations on your report card. So if you have not submitted a major assignment, be sure to give it to me tomorrow so I can take it into consideration while I write your report cards. IMPORTANT: 1.) Tomorrow is your last day to hand in any missed assignments for it to be included on your report card. LEARNING: 1.) LA/NOVEL APPROACH:
2.) MATH:
VIDEO LINKS: The Next Step in BC's plan to safely restart Today, students had time in class to practice their dramatic readings after watching a few examples on YouTube. Students understand they need to use humour, a serious attitude, and make sure people can connect to what they read to the class on Monday. Students will present their readings on Monday morning. Novel Approach booklets should be completed by the end of the day tomorrow so you can submit your PR by Wednesday. LEARNING: `1.) MATH: Holiday Complete handout from class. 2.) LA/NA: Complete Novel Approach booklets by the end of the day tomorrow. Get most of it done at home tonight. 3.) POST A RESPONSE: Holiday VIDEO LINKS: If you Give a Child a Word - Spoken Art Students were busy as usual. We started the day with a 'SHOW ME WHAT YOU KNOW' of the reading strategies. Students practiced using their reading strategies for a reading comprehension activity. Later, we continued learning about probability and completed more probability questions. We will make these in class tomorrow. In the afternoon, we worked on our year-end learning summaries to prepare for the end of the school year. We will continue doing this for the rest of the week. Keep learning! #thelearningneverstops IMPORTANT: 1.) UPLOAD YOUR PHOTOS FOR THE END OF YEAR CELEBRATION LEARNING: 1.) MATH: Complete any unfinished math from today and yesterday. 2.) LA/NOVEL APPROACH: Book Club session tomorrow morning. 3.) POST A RESPONSE: Holiday VIDEO LINKS: 7 Things That Happen When Students Own Their Learning Today, students learned more about the indigenous story telling culture. thy learned that their history and culture was passed on from generation to generation through oral language. Students will present their final Novel Approach 'BIG IDEA' through aspects of the indigenous ways of story telling. IMPORTANT: 1.) This is your last opportunity to upload your PHOTOS for the year end celebration slideshow. DO THIS TONIGHT (FreshGrade). For details on the types of photos you need to upload, refer back to last week's post. LEARNING: 1.) MATH: Pg. 433 - 435 #1-10 Marked and corrected at home. 2.) SCIENCE:
3.) POST A RESPONSE: HOLIDAY VIDEO LINKS: Sarain Fox - The Power of Indigenous Storytelling Today, we watched a documentary about residential schools. More specifically, St. Anne's Indian Residential school in Ontario. Students learned about the horrific atrocities that happened at the residential schools. It is important to learn about these things so we can help in reconciliation process. It is important that we honour those children who were sent to the residential schools and especially those who never made it out. We must learn about what really happened and must help reconciliation. IMPORTANT: 1.) Upload your photos for the Gr. 7 Celebration Slidehsow to your FreshGrade ASAP! Baby Photo (age 0-1) Toddler Photo (age 2-4) Primary Photo (age 5-8) Current Photo (Gr. 7) LEARNING: 1.) LA/NOVEL APPROACH: Book club session tomorrow. Be sure to complete your work for tomorrow. 2.) POST A RESPONSE:
VIDEO LINKS: Residential Schools Today, students started the day off with a book club session. We focused on book club expectations and criteria. Students were assessed on their ability to participate and engage one another. The criteria is available on FreshGrade. Later, they were introduced to probability for our final math unit. In the afternoon, students completed their Jackson Pollock inspired action splatter painting according to our learning intentions and the zones of regulation. To end the day off, we went for a walk around Langara. IMPORTANT: 1.) Upload your personal photos to FreshGrade fo the year-end celebration! IMPORTANT! LEARNING: 1.) LA/NOVEL APPROACH: Book club session tomorrow. 2.) POST A RESPONSE:
VIDEO LINKS: Math Antics - Basic Probability |
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