Today was a fun and exciting day in Division 2! Not only did the students organize the lunch and potluck, but they also successfully organized the Secret Santa. Students were very generous and kind to one another. I was also very appreciative of the generosity you showed me with the Christmas gifts you gave me. Thank you to everyone for your kindness! Your gifts were totally unnecessary, but very much appreciated.
1.) MATH: Any unfinished work you didn't complete before the break.
2.) READING: Complete your December reading calendar and bring it to school. This is a required part of your schoolwork and everyone must return it. IT IS MANDATORY.
- With the new year approaching, it is time to think about goals. Most of us often set new year's resolutions when a new year arrives.
- Watch this 2 minute video on S.M.A.R.T. GOALS.
- In paragraph format, post according to the criteria below. You have the option writing in essay format. If you choose to do this, be sure to follow the 5 paragraph essay structure.
- What are three of your new year's resolution?
- Remember to be specific about what your goals are and supporting sentences explaining how you plan on reaching each of these goals.
- Don't forget to provide examples as part of your supporting sentences.
- REQUIRED: Give 2 students 2 suggestions each on how they can improve their post a response based on the criteria above.
- REQUIRED: Edit and revise your original post based on the feedback you received or on your self-assessment.