1.) GLOBAL READ ALOUD: Visit http://onlyivan.weebly.com and post in your 'GROUP INTRODUCTIONS' and 'PREDICTIONS' sections. You should ask some of the other students questions about them and also give them feedback on their predictions taking into consideration the criteria for good feedback that we have learned. Remember, don't forget about 'THE POWER OF WORDS'! Random and bizarre questions are not ones that you should be asking. Stay focused.
2.) WRITE A RESPONSE: View the video link below and explain why it is important to be honest? Give one example and provide some support to back up your opinion.
3.) FUN ACTIVITY - GENERATE YOUR OWN QR CODE: Click here and create your own QR code for your E-Folio. Save it to your desktop and store the image in your Google Drive. We will make your 'E-FOLIO QR CODE PLATES' for your desks tomorrow. If you like, you can hand it in via our digital 'HAND-IN' box for me to take a look at. Test your code out with your mobile device to see if it works! QR CODES allow for quick and easy access to information on the go. This will become your 'FOLIO BUSINESS CARD'!
4.) FUN ACTIVITY #2 - Play around with your 'PASSION TRAILERS'. You will share this with your Global Read Aloud groups. In addition to this, you will share them with your digital buddies that you will be linking up with over the next few weeks. So far, I have organized for you to have buddies in 4 different continents.
Why Honesty Shouldn't Go Unrewarded