1.) Return progress report envelopes and Gr. 6 Pink forms.
2.) Dress for the weather (gloves, snow pants, boots, etc) and bring buckets, shovels, etc to build a snow structure tomorrow.
1.) MATH: Mark and correct work. | Answer key 1 | Answer key 2 |
2.) SCIENCE: Journal entry #1 due on Wednesday.
- Gr. 6's are learning about Newton's Laws of Force and Motion and the Gr. 7's are learning about electricity and magnetism.
- In a structured paragraph, write about something you learned about from the first Science Challenge.
1.) Include an example of one thing you tried that didn't work.
2.) Include a hypothesis that you came to after you were unsuccessful in the challenge.
3.) Explain what you did and how you succeeded in this challenge.
4.) What was a conclusion you came to after completing the challenge?
- FEEDBACK LOOP: Ask one student a question about their paragraph and edit/revise your post based on your self-assessment of the the above criteria. You must also respond to any questions you receive.
Identify the Hypothesis and Conclusion