1.) Anti-Racism Youth Conference: Parents, talk to your child about what they experienced today. Ask them about the different people, voices, and perspectives they heard from today.
- Today's Anti-Racism Conference was incredibly powerful! We learned a lot from the different people who shared their perspectives.
- Click here and watch our class IG story tor review the names of some of the speakers you heard from today.
LEARNING INTENTION: I can teach and learn about racism through the perspective of others.
1.) Paragraph format: engaging hook, body with supporting points/examples, and conclusion
2.) Explain what you learned from one or more of the speakers from today's presentation. Use this opportunity to teach your classmates about racism and discrimination.
3.) Include some examples they mentioned and how that helps you understand their perspective.
4.) Read 3 other posts from your classmates and comment on each by asking them a question about the content of what your classmates wrote.
5.) Respond to at least 2 questions posted to you.
6.) Edit/revise as needed.
Khari McClelland - Song of the Agitators