- Today you will have your word work quiz and your first math quiz.
- If you have yet to complete and upload all learning activities up this point, YOU MUST COMPLETE YOUR WORK ASAP! Upload anything you forgot between 9am - 10am.
1.) MORNING MEETING: 10am in teams
- Click here for the C-Chart for Morning Meetings. Review before our 10am check-in.
- After you have read the C-chart, enter our 'MORNING CHECK-IN' Channel and give the morning message a thumbs up to indicate you are present.
- While you wait for the meeting to start, make sure you are ready for the tests.
- I will teach 2 mini-lessons this morning. One for Math and one for Art.
2.) LA:
- Word Work Quiz 11am - 11:30am
- Quiz will be posted on Teams at 11am.
3.) MATH:
- Integer Quiz on Teams 11:30am - 12:00pm
- Quiz will be posted on Teams at 11:30am.
- Section 2.2 Integers extra practice (DUE THURSDAY)
- Complete Adding/Subtracting of integers booklet. (Due THURSDAY)
- Complete Math Focus 6.2 - Adding with the zero principle (DUE THURSDAY)
- All details of your art assignment have been posted on FreshGrade and Teams.
- We will have a mini-lesson during our morning meeting.
5.) PE:
- Continue participating in 30 minutes of exercise on a daily basis.
- Check your resting and active heart rate (post this to FreshGrade daily)
- Continue to upload pics/videos and comments to the daily/weekly PE activities on FreshGrade.
- The past few months have been challenging for people around the world. The way we live has changed dramatically. We have learned much about ourselves, the people around us, and life in general.
- I would like you to write a letter to yourself keeping in mind what has been going on around you in 2020.
- We often think of advice as passing on wisdom from elder to youth, teacher to student, parent to child. It is usually the person with the greater background knowledge that guides the novice.
- But today, the coin will flip! As your present-day selves, offer advice to an older, more experienced selves. Think of this as an exercise in self-love.
- Think of this letter as a way of preserving and protecting what's important today well into the future!
- Click here for a few examples you could use to model yours after.
LEARNING INTENTION: I can write a personal letter to my future self.
1.) Use a proper letter format:
- Date, greeting, body of letter, and ending salutation.
2.) Keep the 6 Write Traits in your mind as you write.
3.) Make your letter thoughtful and meaningful.
4.) Read one other student's letter who has not yet received feedback and give him/her suggestions on how she can improve on the givens (spelling, capitals, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure).
5.) Edit/revise based on feedback you receive. If you do not receive any feedback, complete a self-assessment. You will also be able to edit/revise tomorrow morning between 9-10am.
Understanding how Positive and Negative Numbers Work
Adding Numbers Using Number Lines
Adding Numbers using Coloured Tiles