IMPORTANT: â1.) Mr. Collins will be with us until Friday! 2.) This is the last chance for the following students to send in their 3 photos (baby, child, now) for the grad slideshow: Adrian, Anita, Benedict, Kevin, Olivia, Victoria, Wendy. Send these to [email protected] as soon as possible, or we will be sending in our own photos of you.
- Physically return all novels to Mr. Hong/Mr. Collins. Make sure we mark it on FreshGrade.
- If you haven't handed in your NA booklets, be sure to do that ASAP. They are now overdue.
- Social Studies projects are now overdue!
- If any part of your project is in digital form (final project or Inquiry booklets) post a link to FreshGrade so Mr. Collins can view it.
- Please complete this form as a self-reflection on your project
3.) SCIENCE 6: Glogster projects are due today. Post a shared link to your project on
FreshGrade, Mr. Collins will be able to review it from there.
SCIENCE 7: If you haven't handed in your experiment handouts, be sure to submit these to Mr. Hong
- If you have uploaded your 'PIZZA' video to Google Drive to continue working on them at home, make sure they are submitted by this evening, so Mr. Collins can start marking them tonight.
- Click here to access photos of all ingredients. You are free to use them in your video.
- Holiday - Get caught up and submit all your work to Mr. Collins.
- Friday will be his last day.
- All materials must be handed in on time so Mr. Collins has enough time to evaluate all your work.
- Everything will be going on your report cards. If you do not submit them on time, you will receive an incomplete in the specific subject area.
Click here to see Mr. Collins!