Today, the students worked in their groups for Novel Approach, sharing their learning with each other. They then moved on to practice the pre-test for Word Work before recess. After recess, the students continued to listen to the adventures of Will in the Boundless, and practiced using integrals to solve problems. After lunch, the grade 7s worked on wrapping up their electromagnetism unit by building their motors, while the grade 6s started a new joint-science unit with Division 3, learning about EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS.
Everyone enjoyed some active-time at the end of the day, playing ultimate, basketball, and otherwise running around.
1.) To prepare for earthbites tomorrow, ALL STUDENTS are expected to bring a cap from a bottle of some sort (wine, 2 litre of pop, etc), and a creative, handmade greeting card.
2.) This is a reminder for those students who will be writing the Math Test at Churchill on Thursday, April 25 at 4pm. You will be writing in Room 110.
3.) Gr. 7 Celebration - Please submit your $25 to Mr. Hong/Collins ASAP. Also, we are asking for 3 different photos of each of you (Toddler, K-3 photo, and recent photo).
1.) MATH:
- Pg. 274 Reflection A
- Pg. 275 Qu #1-8
- Grade 6: Be sure to think about and bring any materials that will be useful for creating a glove that will protect you from the very cold (deep sea, polar regions)
- Grade 7: Complete inquiry journals by Thursday.
Reluctant, cajole, trove, valise, cordon, festoon, squall, searing, exasperation, intriguing, scoff, clench, delectable, emanate, apprehensive, undulate.
- When we are doing integer problems like (+6) - (-4) we get the bizarre answer of +10. How can we explain this?
- What INTEGER RULES can you come up with to explain how to make integer addition and subtraction easier for someone who hasn't done it before?
- Are there ways that we can re-write the above problem (and others) so that it becomes easier to understand?
Adding and Subtracting Negative Integers