We continued studying about migration patterns and why people tend to settle in certain areas and not in others. The students engaged in a class discussion and many of them had very thought provoking points that sparked curiosity in the entire class!
1.) MATH 6: Any assigned work.
MATH 7: Worksheet 3.7. Make sure you understand how to use all three division strategies. If you
have any questions, please post them here.
2.) LA:
- Finish your introductory paragraphs and concluding paragraphs for your essays.
- Use the links I have provided on the website over the last two weeks to help you with your writing structure.
- Make your final edits/revisions to these two paragraphs.
- If you forgot to take your Mapping booklet home with you, click here to view the activity.
- Read the instructions on the link above and create a new map, title it - NAME'S MAP ASSIGNMENT. Be sure to answer all the questions.
- You must include a minimum of 3 clothing items from different countries a minimum of 3 other belongings from different countries.
- In your post, please indicate which 3 clothing items and 3 other belongings you used.
- You may create and name your different layers according to the instructions on the worksheet.
- Use different symbols for each section.
- Be sure to make the colour of your markers the same as what is asked for.
- If you have any questions, please post them here.
- Post your 'VISIBLE SHARED LINK' here so we can comment on your map.
- Choose one other person's map to comment on and give them feedback on what they can do to improve their mapping skills.
- What do you think about the GOOGLE MAPS POKEMON CHALLENGE?
- Is this real?
- Is this video reliable? If so, why? If not, why not?
- How do you know?
Google Maps Pokemon Challenge