- Work on your PREZI according to the criteria given in class on Friday.
- The bulk of your slides should be completed for Monday. Post any questions you have here regarding your Prezi.
- Make sure at least one person in your group has a 'GEOCACHING' account. Then, work on your application to create your geocache. Remember to follow the steps outlined here. Find a suitable location. Don't forget about the criteria discussed in class and outlined on this website. You must work with your group members. Feel free to email/phone them or message them on our class website.
- Remember, do not do any 'GEOCACHING' alone. Be sure to always go with a parent.
- Do not actually hide your 'CACHE' yet, but make sure at least one person from your group has the waypoints/coordinates.
- If you are able to, have ONLY ONE PERSON from your group submit the completed geocache application so it is approved for next week. The sooner the better! Try to submit it before Sunday.
2.) MATH 6: Any assigned work.
MATH 7: Watch this video on Subtracting Integers.
- Complete your first draft of your Picture Book Powerful Response. This means you should check your work against the criteria outlined on your document and you should make some basic edits/revisions.
- Be sure to follow the criteria outlined on your Google Document.
- You can use the weekend to catch up on any incomplete PARS. Be sure to get caught up!
- Ask any questions about Science and LA here if you are unsure about what to do for homework this weekend.
- Respond to any questions from your classmates if you know the answer to their questions.
- Post any comments about any geocaching you do over the weekend! Share your stories and tips!
Subtraction of Integers