Today, the grade 7 students practiced taking the Foundation Skills Assessment test to become familiar with the format. Tomorrow, we will begin writing the actual assessment. There will be 2 sections for reading, writing, and math. The assessments will not affect your school assessments at all. They are simply to show the government how you are doing in those three areas.
1.) MATH:
- Complete any unfinished work. It will be marked in class tomorrow morning. If it is not completed, you will go to homework club and your parents will be contacted.
- Watch this video
2.) Lunch program forms must be returned tomorrow.
- Complete yesterday's PAR first.
- Today, you learned about the differences between 'SCIENCE' and 'SCIENCING'.
- We also talked about how many scientific discoveries are accidental. Please share with the class one scientific discovery that was invented accidentally and explain the how this happened. Write a minimum of three sentences and use proper grammar and spelling.
- Give two students suggestions on any spelling, capitals, sentence structure, grammar, etc.
- Edit/revise
History of Velcro