- Parents, please log into FreshGrade and view some of the recent assessments. Post any questions, words of encouragement, and descriptive feedback on some of your child's learning activities. Click here for some conversation starters. It is available in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and many other languages.
1.) MATH: Divisibility Rules booklets should be finished for Monday. If you don't have the answer key, click here for pdf of the booklet and answer key.
- Log in to your accounts and attach your class Gmail account.
- Use the same password for all school related technologies.
- Respond to any comments you have received. Read through all activities and make any updates you are capable of making.
- If you are completing a learning reflection, refer to the criteria for learning reflections.
- Your job is to get your parents to log into their FreshGrade accounts.
- Have your parents read this form first.
- Explain what we use FreshGrade for and what to expect from you.
- Post a paragraph about your interaction with your parents (FreshGrade)
- Includes an engaging introduction,
- Supporting sentences and examples in your body.
-- You should include what your parents did
-- Which activities they reviewed on FreshGrade.
-- An example of a comment they left on at least one of your FreshGrade activities.
- A conclusion
- If your parents never received an email from FreshGrade, tell them to check their spam box. If they can't find it, post a message here and I'll resend it.
Click here to view our Gym Sense Activities