1.) WRITE A RESPONSE #1: Go back to this blog post and reply to your original post. In full sentences, list 3 ways you will complete your New Year's Resolution.
2.) WRITE A RESPONSE: #2: Visit Lio's Learning Journey. He has been maintaining several different blogs on different topics. Go to one of the sections in his 'SUBJECTS' blogs and one section in his 'PASSIONS' blog in the 'MORE' section and comment/ask questions to get a conversation going with him and your classmates.
3.) FIELD TRIP: Don't forget your skates and helmets if you are not renting them tomorrow. Arrive at school at the regular time. Parents, we will leave promptly after we take attendance at 8:50am.
4.) MATH 6: Go to http://www.multiplication.com/games/ and play some math games.
MATH 7: Any assigned work and go to the above website and play some math games.
- Pablo Picasso Self-Portrait Video from September