LEARNING INTENTION: To learn how to tell the difference between a COMPLETE SENTENCE and an INCOMPLETE SENTENCE (fragment).
1.) MATH:
- Complete multiplication chart
- Complete both sides of last week's multiplication worksheets if you haven't already done so
- Today, you were introduced to your first science unit on Ecosystems. Every day, all of us interact with living parts and non-living parts of the environment.
- Living organisms include things such as bacteria, algae, animals, insects, and plants. Non-living parts include things such as rain, humans, the sunlight, soil, creeks, rivers, mountains, and temperature.
- Think about your day today and list at least 5 living organisms you interacted with today.
- Think about your day today and list at least 5 non-living parts of the environment you interacted with today.
Division 1 Basic Division
Division 2 Division
Division 3 Division with remainders