1.) GROUSE GRIND FIELD TRIPS: The tentative date is Monday, November 7th. We are looking for parent volunteers to drive. Please talk to your parents to see if they can drive!
2.) MATH TEST: This Friday (GCF, LCM, Factorization, and Divisibility)
1.) READING: 30 minutes of independent reading and log it on your sheet.
2.) LA - WRITING: Complete your activity that Mr. T assigned in class (Engaging hooks/topic sentences)
3.) MATH: Complete 3 more worksheets from the divisibility rules workbook.
4.) SCIENCE (Body Systems): Complete 1 body system section of your graphic organizer.
- Today, we continued our research in inquiry and learned how to synthesize information. Students have been 'immersing' themselves in their inquiries and phase 3 (Coalesce) and 4 (Going Public) are upon us.
- Watch the posted video again.
- LEARNING INTENTION: I can explain how what it means to synthesize information.
1.) PARAGRAPH FORMAT: intro/body/ conclusion.
2.) GIVENS: Pay close attention to your spelling, capitals, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, etc.
3.) INTRO: Make it as exciting and engaging as possible.
4.) BODY: Include at least 2-3 examples/supporting points.
5.) CONCLUSION: Tie up your paragraph smoothly.
6.) PEER FEEDBACK/SELF-ASSESSMENT: Give 1 student 2 things to improve on based on the above criteria.
7.) REVISED VERSION: Based on the feedback you receive or the self-assessment you complete, post a revised version as a reply to your original post.
Synthesizing Information