1.) Daily Check-in at 10:00am
2.) Novel Approach Book Club Discussions:
- 11:00am Because of Mr. Terupt
- 11:30am 14th Goldfish
1.) MATH:
- Upload previous days completed work (marked/corrected - 6.6 Subtracting Integers with Number Lines)
- Complete 6.7 Solve Problems by Working Backwards #1-8.
- Upload marked/corrected work to Freshgrade.
- Continue reading and working through your gift of words and thinking and learning questions.
- Treat your Novel Approach Book Channels on Teams as your virtual Book clubs. Ask questions, respond to questions, share your perspectives on the book by using your readings strategies and just talking about what happened in your readings!
3.) PE:
- Note: Log your daily physical activity on FreshGrade according to the criteria (pic/video, resting/active heart rate, and information about what you did and how much energy you exerted). If you didn't do anything physical, simply state this.
- Option 1: PE w/ Joe April 23rd, 2020
- Option 2: Your choice of physical activity.
4.) ART:
- If you have yet to give someone peer feedback yet on their SWAY presentations, be sure to do it.
- If you have yet to receive peer feedback, make a call out in your channel for feedback! Use the '@' mark to direct your message to each of your group members!
- The importance of 'PEER FEEDBACK' in your learning is instrumental!
- It makes you look at success criteria critically to assess the work of others more deeply. In turn, this makes you reflect on your work more deeply to improve it further.
- In your PAR today, give detailed information about each of the criteria points below.
- You may do this in point form or paragraph form.
1.) I have shared my 'SWAY' presentation on Teams and FreshGrade.
2.) I have given at least 2 of my peers in my group descriptive feedback
that will help them improve a few of their photos.
3.) I have responded to 'PEER FEEDBACK' and improved 2 photos on my
SWAY. I have included my first photo and the revised photo on my slides
with a detailed explanation of who gave me feedback and how I
improved my photos.
4.) If I haven't received peer feedback, I have asked members of my group
for PEER FEEDBACK by using the '@' mark in my team channel
6.) I have doubled checked everything above to ensure I will be successful
in my learning.
Adding & Subtracting Integers