Self-regulation is all about self-control. Toddlers, kids, teenagers, and adults all learn strategies throughout their lives that help them regulate their feelings, emotions, and actions. Sometimes, we are put into a situation where it is very challenging to control our excitement, sadness, or anger. This is ok. This is a part of life. However, we all have to learn to deal with our emotions productively to minimize any negative effects it might have on others.
1.) MATH:
- Complete any unfinished work.
- Bring any flyer to school that has prices of items and sale prices. For example, SALE! 25% off all LED lights from Home Depot. If you don't have any newspaper type flyers, simply print something off from an online website like bestbuy.ca. You need this for tomorrow's math lesson.
2.) LA:
- All of you should have already done this, but if you haven't, make sure you have updated FreshGrade with the following:
- Upload original draft of your powerful response
- Upload final revised version of your powerful response after the self-assessment and peer/teacher feedback.
- Upload all handouts including your 'BORN TO STAND OUT' poems and visible thinking sheets.
- Upload original response paragraphs (Paper) that you highlighted with different colours according to the criteria for a powerful response.
- After watching the video below, post what you think the big idea is.
- Include an inviting lead, supporting sentences including examples, and a conclusion.
- Give on student 2 suggestions for improvement.
- Edit/revise your original post based on a self-assessment or feedback you received.
Self-Regulation and the Brain