1.) No book clubs with Mr. Hong today. Do this with your groups on your own during the day. Read the NA info below for details.
2.) I know you are all experiencing stress in different ways. Please be sure to let me know by email if you are struggling with the school work or with not being able to see your friends, etc.
1.) MATH:
- Click here to compete integers review worksheet.
- TEST TOMORROW on multiplying/dividing integers.
- Log your daily NA reading on FG (pages/chapters, title, author, and a detailed explanation of 1-2 reading strategies you used)
1.) Each group member MUST contribute at least 2 questions
2.) Each group member MUST respond to each and every question posted by all of your group members with a response to the original question or a response to a reply to any question.
3.) This will be assessed.
- I am giving you creative control. Your job today is to create a display of your learning of density for this week.
LEARNING INTENTION: I can display my understanding of density.
1.) Documents your learning of density from this week
2.) Includes the learning intentions and shows you have met them.
3.) Includes images/videos/examples of activities from the week
4.) Shows learning/understanding of density through trial and error and practice activities.
5.) Choose any format you like (imovie, powerpoint, Slides, animoto, etc)
6.) It must include at least one example of how to calculate density from today's lesson.
7.) It must be shared in the TEAMS SCIENCE channel for your peers to see and posted on FreshGrade. - Watch this video (it will be reviewed during the class meeting). You need to watch this to complete the worksheet.
- Complete and correct density worksheet after the Science lesson today. Here is the answer key. YOU MUST SHOW ALL YOUR CALCULATIONS! If no work is shown, you will have to redo another worksheet.
- DISPLAY OF LEARNING and CORRECTED WORKSHEET are both Due by 11:59pm on Friday.
4.) PE:
- Complete your daily PE log (Duration, activity, resting/active heart rate, and some information about your activity)
- Connect with at least 2 student today by video chat.
- Post a brief comment who you chatted with today and let us know how it felt to see your friends?
- That is all. Yes, that is all!
Multiplying and Dividing Integers