Today, students worked hard in PE. They learned how to do a 2 foot stop and then to step around a defender for an easy lay-up. This took time and practice and every student received feedback to move their abilities/skills/learning forward. Later, they completed a mid-chapter quiz on decimals and then worked on their Lichtenstein artwork. Students will engage in the self/peer assessment process tomorrow with their criteria sheets.
1.) ART: Complete first draft for tomorrow.
- Click here for a link to the criteria sheet.
- Example 1 - Mr. Hong's Class Instagram
- Example 2 - Mr. Hong's Class Instagram
- Mr. Hong's Class YouTube example video
- Click here for a list of Poetic Devices
- Click here to watch this video of 'TANK MAN'. Here is a link to some background information on Tank Man.
- We have discussed 'TANK MAN' several times while we have been reading 'FORBIDDEN CITY'. We know about some things that have happened in Tiananmen Square. We know that the Chinese people were demonstrating and standing up to their government to fight for democracy.
- Write a paragraph on one of the following:
2.) If you were a bystander watching this, what would you be thinking?
- Be sure to include something about what 'TANK MAN' represents.
- Ask one student a question about their paragraph.
- Respond/Reply to any questions you receive.
Tank Man