1.) WRITE A RESPONSE: Decide on what format you are thinking about using for your Science project and post a link to an example here so your classmates can see what it's like. The example does not have to be on 'THE 5 KINGDOMS'. For example, if you choose to create a 'PREZI', feel free to post the link to an example of one here and attach a brief note explaining why you chose this style of presentation. We have examples in our learning gallery from last year that you could link to as well. You will start 'CREATING' tomorrow! If you decide to start tonight, go right ahead! :) If somebody posts one type of presentation, please post a different type. We want as many different examples as possible so you can get an idea of what they are like. I will post a link to the website I was referring to later this evening.
2.) MATH 6 - any assigned work
MATH 7 - Worksheet 2.5 (You must draw your grids on the handout). If you have any questions,
feel free to post them here.
3.) SCIENCE 6/7 - If you want to work with a partner, feel free to send me an email with who you would like to work with. If you work with a partner, you will be paired up with someone from a different grade.
4.) SKI CLUB - Please return your ski-club forms to Mrs. Van. If you haven't received your forms yet, please return them ASAP.