MATH 7 - Pg. 119 ALL QUESTIONS. Mark at home using the back of your
2.) POST A MESSAGE: List at least one form of communication that you can use to communicate with your Science partner and explain how you could use it to improve your communication with your Science partner. Think out of the box on this one (idiom) and see if you can list one that has not been mentioned yet.
Share 2 files with your partner and Mr. Hong on Google Docs. Only allow comments, and not edits.
I.) Your file with all of your research/sources
II.) Your summaries
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Compare your partner's summaries with his/her research. For each section, you must make give them feedback on their 'SUMMARY' file in the comment stream of Google Docs. Remember to be specific with your feedback. Read below for more information. (Alternatively, you may email your comments to your partner but if you do this, you must include me on that email.)
Peer Feedback example:
1.) Did your partner summarize the information or paraphrase it?
Example comment: You paraphrased your research and you did not summarize it. When you summarize information, you need to include only the important facts. Also, if you summarize 4 pages of research, you would probably end up with a 1 page summary. If you paraphrase 10 pages of research, you end up with at least 10 pages in your paraphrase.
2.) Does the information flow smoothly?
Example comment: Your information did not flow smoothly and I would suggest organizing your information so that it is chronological.
3.) Did your partner use transition words?
Example comment: Good use of transition words. However, I would recommend that you add a few more in between your final 2 sentences to show that you are concluding your information on that topic. You can use, "In summary" or "In conclusion".
4.) Is your partner's work complete?
Example comment: You completed all of your summaries except for your section on Faults. Make sure you review your research and notes that you took from your textbook, and properly summarize your information in a clear, logical paragraph.
5.) Important facts
Example comment: You included a few points in your section on 'FAULTS" that were unnecessary. Take out your third and seventh sentences because they are off topic. Also, you did not include any information about ........