2.) POST A RESPONSE: What is something you learned today about creating a positive digital footprint and/or digital citizenship (CITIZENSHIP).
1.) Digital Dossier/Footprint
2.) The Voice of the Active Learner
1.) We encourage you to create a GMAIL account WITH YOUR PARENTS. For your username and address, choose the name of a character from a novel you have read. DO NOT USE ANY PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION. For all online accounts that you set up this year, we highly encourage you to register with your parents. They must have 24/7 access to all of your accounts. 2.) POST A RESPONSE: What is something you learned today about creating a positive digital footprint and/or digital citizenship (CITIZENSHIP). VIDEO LINKS: 1.) Digital Dossier/Footprint 2.) The Voice of the Active Learner
9/5/2012 07:55:12 am
can my user name be a celebrity name???
9/5/2012 08:03:19 am
I think so, but it might be preferred that you make it a character name from either a novel, or a character lets say from cartoons. But I'm not exactly sure if you can or cannot, and you should just ask Mr.Hong for the specifications.
9/5/2012 08:15:33 am
I think you can. I mean, why not? But I would make your user name on here as a fictional character and then ask Mr.Hong tomorow.
9/5/2012 11:20:56 am
Don't c y it matters
Chuck Norris
9/5/2012 12:22:49 pm
9/5/2012 01:19:30 pm
yes! it can be!
9/9/2012 04:35:15 am
hi its isabelle mr.hong
9/5/2012 08:02:47 am
Today I learned that our digital footprints start even before we are born.
9/5/2012 08:04:19 am
i learned citizenship is nearly the same thing as digital citizenship. and nearly means the same thing
9/5/2012 08:13:35 am
What I learned was that Facebook can send you if you request it, a long report of your data on the site.
Adobe Guy
9/5/2012 08:16:16 am
I Learned How People Can Track You Down Through The Internet and You Can Loose Your Job If You Post Inapropreate stuff on web logs.
9/5/2012 08:17:52 am
today I learned that a digital footprint starts before your born when you have your first ultrasound.
Greg Heffley
9/5/2012 08:19:08 am
Today, I learned what a digital footprint is. It begins before you are even born. Let's say you make an E-mail, and using all your personal information, ex.) first name, middle name, last name, birth date, and your address. Those facts, will make your digital footprint. Then, you make a Facebook account, and do all the same mistakes plus more! Ex.) Show your interests, your family and friends and your pictures. ALL of that will be in your digital footprint, whatever you do on the internet will ALWAYS be there, and it will never get removed. So remember, NEVER give out your personal information.
9/5/2012 08:19:18 am
my username is smurfette6453
9/5/2012 08:20:54 am
Today I learned that from when your in your in your mom's tummy all them way untill you die you will allways have a digital foot print. And I also learned to never give out personal information.
9/5/2012 10:21:21 am
I think i know who you REALLY are, Hiper! . I think you are the person that i sat next to!
9/5/2012 08:20:55 am
I learned about digital footprints.
9/5/2012 08:22:07 am
-I learned that you need to create a good digital footprint because what you do online follow's you for the rest of your life and then it starts over agian when your child is born ( if u have one)
9/5/2012 08:27:48 am
9/5/2012 08:30:27 am
I think it should be a good thing to learn about didital footprints
9/5/2012 08:32:18 am
Digital footprints
Johnny Novels
9/5/2012 08:42:50 am
Today we learned to not share all of are info and digital footprints. :)
9/5/2012 08:44:12 am
Today I have learned about digital footprints. They start even before your born! They keep track of your searches. Its almost like you walk on wet concrete, you footprint will be made and kept there till the day they put new concrete. Meaning once you are born, your mark will be in records and won't stop till the day you die. It's definitely important to have a good "reputation" on the records. And once you have a child of your own, the cycle starts all over again. :)
9/5/2012 08:53:35 am
9/5/2012 08:54:01 am
I meant to say edited. ._. Oops!
9/5/2012 08:46:17 am
I learned that are digital footprints started before we were even born!
9/5/2012 08:47:49 am
I learned that digital citizenship is the same as citizenship
9/5/2012 09:01:03 am
I learned that digital footprint started before you were even born even when you get a credit card it keeps track of what you have done
9/5/2012 09:10:20 am
What I learned today was that everything you do online can be traced, even negative things.
9/5/2012 09:10:21 am
Today I have learned about digital footprints. They start before you are even born! They keep track of your searches, age, and all other personal information. Its almost the same as you walking on wet concrete.You'r footprint will be made and kept there till the day they put new concrete. Meaning once you are born, your mark will be in records and won't stop till the day you die. It's definitely important to have a good "reputation" in your records. So make sure you don't do anything bad, because it will always be kept in your records. And if you post a comment, lets say for example you are posting threatening statuses on Facebook, it will never be completely off the internet, once it is there its there FOREVER. Finally, once you have a child of your own, the cycle starts all over again. :)
9/5/2012 09:14:22 am
....Isn't that my comment... ?
9/5/2012 01:53:51 pm
SANDY what you copied was on Mr. Hong's Idea on what to right. So you did the same thing.
9/6/2012 09:53:45 am
@Shadnic99, I actually made it my own, it is what I remembered and what I wrote, and you shouldn't claim it as yours. Also, we were allowed to write what we wanted because if that was the new thing we had learned. I wasn't in Mr.Hong's class at the end of the day, so I do not know what you are talking about. Anyways, next time you shouldn't really do that and also say that I'm "stealing" it too. But forgive and forget, just don't do it again, its not that nice.
9/5/2012 10:19:25 am
Um, exuse me shadnic99, but isn't that sandy's comment??
Minnie mouse
9/5/2012 11:15:11 am
no copying thx :)
9/5/2012 12:09:54 pm
Ya, shadnick99 just copied and paisted it
Pooh Bear
9/5/2012 01:07:20 pm
That's not nice... :(
9/5/2012 09:10:49 am
Today I learned that anyone could seach up pictures of me before I was born because of my digital foot print.
9/5/2012 09:11:04 am
Today I learned that your digital footprints start even before you're born and that it still continues after your death too
9/5/2012 09:22:38 am
hello i learned that citizenship is digital and that puts a spin on my understanding of citizenship.
9/5/2012 09:31:36 am
I Learned that digital footprints can start since the day you were born till after you die
9/5/2012 09:36:04 am
I learned that you have to keep a positive digital footprint so nobody thinks you are a bad person
9/5/2012 09:45:33 am
i learned that your digital footprint starts before you are born and continues forever
9/5/2012 12:05:36 pm
Why did u copy my name????
9/5/2012 09:51:01 am
I learned that your digital foot prints will start before you are born and go on even after you die.
Chocolate cookie
9/5/2012 10:10:57 am
I learned today about digital citizenship. I learned that everybody should be kind to everybody online and not to post any real information online. Nobody should cyber bully and not to write or post any inappropiate things. Use your 5 c's and allways be nice!
9/5/2012 10:14:29 am
Hey everyone! I was sitting here all bored with nothing to do and then i remembered my homework! Today i learned that just a short while ago there were no video games, internet, or technoligy. A few years later, pictures of people are out in the internet before that person even exists.
Scott Pilgrim
9/5/2012 10:21:08 am
Today I learned about Positive Digital Footprints. A Positive Digital Footprint is a Digital Footprint that has only nice things to say and only nice pictures or video's of you.
9/5/2012 10:22:18 am
Today I have learned about digital citizenship. I have learned that have to be careful what you say and do because you might get stocked. Also dont put infermation about you on the internet because people could search you on Google and find you.
9/5/2012 10:24:27 am
Who here has made their gmail acount? I did!
Scott Pilgrim
9/5/2012 10:28:04 am
I did!
Chuck Norris
9/5/2012 12:43:25 pm
nyan cat
9/5/2012 12:46:36 pm
so did i
9/5/2012 01:19:08 pm
I did
Captain Rockhopper
9/5/2012 10:33:00 am
i learned that what a digdital foot print is and that it starts before you are born.
9/5/2012 10:34:54 am
What if your parents won't let you create an account?
Pooh Bear
9/5/2012 01:11:25 pm
I Personally I think that you should talk about it with Mr.Hong tomorrow with your parents.
9/5/2012 10:36:06 am
I learned today that all electronic devices will store all my personal information when i use devices such as laptops, phones, iPods, Xbox games, and more. This was very interesting since we have so many passwords to protect us.
9/5/2012 10:37:40 am
What if where not aloud to create an account?will we get in trouble? Is it ok not to make one tonight?
9/5/2012 10:52:04 am
I learned about digital Footprint today. I learned that the digital footprint started before I was born, and anyone can search up pictures, especially yours and it pops up.
Hunger games101
9/5/2012 10:54:38 am
Mr.Hong, my dad would like to know why we need a gmail account? He would also like to now what we would be using it for?
9/5/2012 01:22:04 pm
We need it because we do a whole bunch of group projects with the gmail features. Also he may email us what we need to get handed in or so on.
9/5/2012 11:02:24 am
lol couldnt find a user wolfboy424 and i learned about digital footprints
fiji boy
9/5/2012 11:02:28 am
today I learned about digital footprint and you have to have a good for a good job
9/5/2012 11:09:48 am
hey its wolf boy
9/5/2012 11:16:05 am
Today I learned that digital foot prints mean leaving personal information on social networks. This can be bad because people can use your personal info.
9/5/2012 11:16:54 am
i learned that digital citizenship is alot like just plane normal citizenship :)
9/5/2012 11:18:58 am
Minnie mouse
9/5/2012 11:19:12 am
Today i was surprised to learn and hear about digital foot prints ! and how it starts before you were even born. I also learned that if you download free apps they can track you and search you.
9/5/2012 11:31:49 am
today i learned that you have a digital foot print from when your in your moms stomatch till after you die
Lebron James
9/5/2012 11:36:19 am
today i learn The Voice of The Active Learner use computers,phones,iPad
9/5/2012 11:42:19 am
I learned to make a positive digital footprint
Greg Heffley
9/5/2012 11:48:57 am
i learned that even before your born your digital dossier has started
Hillcrest Kid
9/5/2012 12:02:12 pm
I learned that a digital footprint starts when you're still in your mother's stomach. It carries on until you die.
Fake name
9/5/2012 12:11:18 pm
I learned that digital footprints are good things
9/5/2012 12:15:19 pm
Digital footprints
Chuck Norris
9/5/2012 12:22:17 pm
I have heard that digital footprints are records of our internet history and hospital records. so basically all our information from birth to death can be seen on the internet.
9/5/2012 12:25:24 pm
today i learned digital footprints start even before u were born.
nyan cat
9/5/2012 12:52:34 pm
today i learned that digital footprints start before u are born, it continues after your death.
9/5/2012 01:02:01 pm
i learned that on your phone or iPod touch whatever app u have played on that was free when you got it. a piece of information from you is known by some other person who made the game and so really its not free...
9/5/2012 01:09:43 pm
I learned about digital footprints
tinkerbell 44
9/5/2012 01:10:39 pm
i learned that a digital footprint starts when you are in your moms stomach and it starts even before you are born. It keeps going on and on until you die and even after that information is still going on about you .That is what i learned today at schooli had a great time.
9/5/2012 01:10:44 pm
I learned not to micro phone scam people. Digital footprints are not a digital identity. thanks
9/5/2012 01:18:57 pm
Hi Mr.Hong..
9/5/2012 01:20:33 pm
I learned that your digital footprint starts when your in your moms stomach and goes all the way until you die. When another has a baby a digital footprint starts for them
cole mcgrath
9/5/2012 01:25:42 pm
A digital footprint is like a record of your whole life so there is files upon files and even digital files on the internet.
9/5/2012 01:25:56 pm
i learned what a digital footprint is.
Pooh Bear
9/5/2012 01:32:13 pm
Today in class I learned many, many things. I learned that Digital Citizenship is mainly just the word CITIZENSHIP, the digital part is just when your in the technology world. I also learned that digital foot prints don't just start when you first make an account on something online. But it also starts when you are still in your mothers stomach. And when you die, it keeps on going. Most of you may not no this, but in the group I was in today a student mentioned that when you make a Gmail account and you say you live in a country other than Canada and the USA, they won't ever ask you if they can have your phone number. I know that's not something Mr.Hong taught us, but hey! It's still something new I learned. Something else I learned was that even making an account on... For example Club Penguin when you were small, and putting your information is adding on to your digital footprints.
9/5/2012 01:44:02 pm
I learned that everything you do can be trased on the internet from before birth, to death even after death! and that the word digital citizenship is just a longer way to say citizenship because they both mean the exact same thing.
9/5/2012 01:46:18 pm
I learned about digital footprints and how websites when u sign up and u say stuff it will remember it
zendaya paris
9/5/2012 01:55:44 pm
I learned that a digital foot print starts when you are in your mothers stomach and you need citizenship every where including internet
9/5/2012 01:56:05 pm
I learned that even though you haven't been born yet your digital footprint already starts.
9/5/2012 02:06:03 pm
i learned about digital footprints
9/5/2012 02:08:08 pm
I learned that when your in your mom's stomach they have your digital footprint & that websites take all of the stuff you put & can't be deleted.
9/5/2012 02:10:50 pm
I learned today that the digital foot starts before you are even born it go's on, and then it still keeps on going even when you die.
9/5/2012 02:32:27 pm
Does Mr.Hong ever answer the coments?
9/5/2012 02:37:14 pm
Today I learned what digital footprint is and that it starts even before you are born, I also learned that the apps in you iphone, ipod or any other devices you can download apps usually collect information about you from your devices
9/5/2012 03:52:38 pm
I'm learnes about digital footptint. Happy!
Slender Man
9/5/2012 03:57:52 pm
I learned that i records of yourself start and end from very far and different times, and the fact that people can find out who I am is strange.
9/6/2012 12:27:47 am
Wow Mr.Hong u r a nanji! But can u respond to other peoples questions?
9/6/2012 12:30:03 am
Oops spelt ninja wrong now I spelt it right!
9/6/2012 12:30:53 am
I learned that a digital footprint is started before you are even born.
Domonique Wilkins
9/6/2012 01:02:22 am
I learned that almost every picture that has been taken of us and sent to other people is out there somewhere on the web. I also learned that Even before were born we're part of the internet.
9/6/2012 01:11:28 am
9/7/2012 05:12:38 am
What was our homework for today
Mystery Person
9/7/2012 02:35:47 pm
Hmmm, school is fun, exceptionally when mystery is involved ;3 Comments are closed.
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