2.) LA - Finish both worksheets (Synonyms/Antonyms) if you haven't already.. Reading for context involves reading the sentence, replacing the underlined word with one of the choices, and then trying to determine if you understand the meaning of the word/sentence. If you still can't find the correct word, use a dictionary. The dictionary should be your last resort.
3.) Math 6 - Chapter 9 Lesson 1 texbook work Questions #1-6
Math 7 - pg 104 Questions 3,4,5,6, and 8
4.) Science - Peer Feedback - Create a new feedback blog page for 'TYPES OF ROCKS'. Give your group members feedback on all the different types of rocks: Igneous, Sedimentary, and metamorphic. Use the same format you used yesterday (Capitals, punctuation, spelling, grammar, content/research/information, etc). This must be completed for tomorrow. If you do not complete this, you will be unable to participate in tomorrow's activity.